Find the answers to the seven crossword-style clues by linking together word fragments.

How to play

Each Seven Words puzzle presents seven (non-cryptic) crossword clues, with the length of the answer word for each clue noted in brackets.

Below the clues, you'll find lots of word fragment tiles. Tapping a tile adds it to the answer tray. Tap word fragment tiles in sequence to build complete words in the answer tray.

You can enter answers for the seven clues in any order. Once you've entered the correct solution for one of the clues, the word will be added in the space next to the clue on to the board.

If you guess incorrectly or make a mistake, you can remove tiles from the answer tray one at a time by tapping the ❎ button in the tray.

Each tile is used exactly once in the answers. Each answer is composed of at least two tiles.

For each puzzle, there is a defined set of answer words. You may be able to find other dictionary words by combining fragments, but they won't register as correct answers.

Extra help

If you're stuck on a Seven Words puzzle, you can use coins to buy hints.

Hints can be used by tapping on the icon at the bottom of the screen.

The cost (in coins) to use each hint is printed under its icon.

Use the ? hint to reveal every other letter in one of the remaining clue answers.