Event Pack puzzles are unlocked by gaining Levels during an Event.

Puzzles in the current month's event pack are unlocked as rewards for leveling up in the event. After the event ends, any remaining puzzles in the pack can be unlocked using tokens.

During a monthly Event:

  1. Complete (or replay) puzzles in the main game packs to earn Event Stars.
  2. Once you collect enough Event Stars you'll gain a Level.
  3. Sometimes when you level up, you'll unlock more puzzles in the current Event Pack.


You can view how many Event Stars you need to reach the next level in the Reward Track.

To view the Reward Track:

  1. Return to the Main Menu (select ⚙️Options > Main Menu > Yes from elsewhere in the game).
  2. Tap the ⭐Event button at the top right of the screen and select Rewards.


If you have purchased the Event Pass (by selecting "Unlock Premium") this month, you will earn the Premium rewards on the track (Gold) as well as the Standard rewards (Purple). If you reach the maximum level before the end of the event, you'll have unlocked 100% of the puzzles in the Event Pack.

If you haven't purchased the Event Pass for the current event, you will only be able to unlock a limited number of the puzzles in the Event Pack during the Event. However, after the event has ended (at the end of each month), you will be able to unlock the remaining puzzles in the pack using Tokens.