The object of Color Picture Cross is to reveal the hidden image on the grid, by using the number clues to determine whether each grid square should be filled with a specific color or left blank.

To the left of each grid row, and at the top of each grid column, you'll see a Clue Label.

The numbers in each Clue Label tell you how many consecutive squares of a each color (blocks) need to be filled on that line.

Please note: Color Picture Cross uses slightly different rules to the classic (single-color) Picture Cross puzzle.

1. If a clue contains two consecutive blocks of the SAME color, there must be at least one empty square separating these two blocks on the grid.

2. Adjacent blocks of DIFFERENT colors don't have to have any empty squares between them.

You will need to take these two rules into account when determining the minimum total length of the group of blocks described by a clue label.

Select the current fill color by tapping one of the icons directly below the grid. Note that the clue numbers matching the selected color are highlighted.

You can also tap the 'X' icon to select the 'X drawing' tool. (You can use the 'X' tool to mark squares that you have deduced should not be filled with any color.)

Tap an empty square to fill it with the currently selected color (or an 'X'). Tapping a filled square will erase the contents of that square.

The numbers in a clue label are crossed out as blocks of the correct color and length are filled on that line. Once all the numbers in a clue label are crossed out, the clue label turns gray. This means that the contents of the line LOGICALLY satisfy the clues. The position of each block within the line may still not be correct!

Tap on a grayed out Clue Label to automatically fill any remaining unfilled squares on that line with Xs.

It's often best to start a puzzle by finding and filling any lines with unambiguous clues - i.e., clues whose minimum total length equals the length of the line.

For a 15X15 grid puzzle, some example clues that fit this criteria:

15 (red)
5 (green), 10 (red) ... [ 5 + 10 = 15 ]
1 (green), 1 (green), 12 (red) ... [ 1 + (a gap of at least 1) + 1 + 12 = 15 ]

Each line that is solved (or partially solved) provides new information for solving the lines perpendicular to it.

You should never need to guess when filling a line - doing so can make the puzzle harder to solve!