Once you've selected a puzzle to play, the puzzle's Word Grid will be displayed.

Deduce a word

At the start of each puzzle you'll be shown the theme of the puzzle:

All the words you're looking for on the grid will be related to this theme:

Draw the word

Just like a wordsearch, words can be hidden anywhere on the grid.

Unlike a wordsearch, the letters don't necessarily follow a straight line!

Touch the first letter of the word on the grid and drag a path through the rest of the letters. With each letter the path can change direction: up, down, left or right.

Once you've highlighted a complete word that is one of the puzzle answers, that section of the path will then become locked and the word checked off on the Word List below the grid.

If you highlight a word and the game doesn't check it off the list, it's not one of the answer words on the list. It may be part of a longer word, or it might be a red herring.

Complete the path!

Once you've found all the words on the puzzle's word list, the path will be completed and you'll receive a reward.

The game will then return to the Select Puzzle screen.

Game rules

■ Each letter on the grid is used at most once in a solution - paths cannot overlap or double back on themselves.

■ Paths can only turn 90 degrees per square. Letters are never connected diagonally.

■ In some later puzzles, not all the letters on the grid will be used. The unused letters at the end of the puzzle will be converted to bonus coins.

■ If you've made a mistake in a path, you can tap anywhere on the current path to erase it. (Paths for answer words you've already found can't be erased by accident.)

■ If you've made a path that only covers part of a word, you can touch and drag from either end of that path to extend it.

■ Sometimes a letter will be surrounded by a ring of lights. Use this letter in a word before the ring disappears to add points to your bonus meter. Fill the bonus meter to win a prize!