We recommend using the latest available version of the Puzzle Page app to access the game.
Check now if there is an update available for your device:

📲 iPhone / iPad

📲 Android devices

📲 Amazon Fire and compatible devices

If an update is available you should see an option to UPDATE on the store page. If you can only see an option to OPEN the app, you are already running the latest available version.
To check the version of Puzzle Page you have installed

Launch Puzzle Page and select Options from the ⋮ Menu. The Options menu should appear. At the bottom of this menu you should see a small gray box with "Build Version: X.X.X" where "X.X.X" is the version number.

Automatic updates are normally enabled by default. If you have disabled this setting, please check for updates regularly or consider enabling it. If the app is not up to date, you may have a delay in receiving daily puzzles at the start of a new month.

If you have confirmed that you are running an older version of Puzzle Page, but do not see an option to update the app on the game's store page:

  • The update may not yet be available. Due to the nature of digital distribution, there may sometimes be a short delay before updates are visible for all users and on all platforms.
  • Puzzle Page may no longer be compatible with your device or operating system version. Please first try updating your device's operating system software to the latest available version, then check the store page again.