We’ve collected together extra puzzles, not found on the daily pages, as Special Issues that you can access from the Special Issues library on the Hub screen.

If you have a particular favorite type of puzzle, you can access the relevant Special Issues to find page after page devoted exclusively to that puzzle type.

Puzzles within a Special Issue can be unlocked and played in any order.

Some Special Issues can only be accessed when earlier Special Issues in the same category are completed.

Some Special Issues can only be accessed by subscribers. (For further details, please view the Subscriptions section of this manual.)

You can access the Special Issues library by tapping the Special Issues panel on the Hub screen.

Special Issues are sorted by puzzle type. Tap the cover of a Special Issue to view its contents, then select a page to open it.

While viewing a Special Issue page, you can return to the contents by tapping the icon in the top left corner of the screen.

New Special Issues will be added regularly in future updates.

Special Issues puzzles require tokens to unlock. If you're a subscriber, you will receive five Special Issues Keys each day, allowing you to play several Special Issues puzzles per day without spending tokens. Once your daily keys have been exhausted you can use tokens to continue unlocking Special Issues puzzles if you don't want to wait.