How to play
To solve the puzzle, fill each cell so that the numbers 1-9 appear once in each column, row, and square (the 3 by 3 block indicated by the bold border, also known as a ‘nonet’).
Use a process of elimination and the numbers provided at the start of the puzzle, find cells that can only be filled with one number, or where there is only one remaining space in a row, column or nonet that a particular number can be placed.
Tap on a cell to select it, then use the keypad buttons below the grid to enter numbers.
The top row of buttons enter numbers in pen (indicating that they're part of the final answer). The bottom row allows you to enter numbers in pencil, to help keep track of possible answers for a cell.
You can erase numbers you've entered by selecting the cell you want to edit, and using the keypad buttons to 'switch off' (erase) entered numbers.
You can select the difficulty level for each Sudoku puzzle you unlock. Quick and Super Quick difficulties will add more numbers at the start of the puzzle.
If you’re short on time, Sudoku also supports puzzles with smaller grids, with 2x2 and 3x2 nonets. These only use the digits 1-4 and 1-6 respectively. There are a variety of these available in Puzzle Page.
Want to fill a cell quickly? If you only have one pencil number left in a cell, long-press it to automatically turn it into a pen number.